FOX and Friends : FOXNEWSW : August 12, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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♪ >> brian: all right. it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast, monday, august 12th. this is "fox & friends." in his first interview since dropping out of the race in 2024. president biden says his fellow democrats played a role. >> steve: if i stayed in the race that would be the cop pick you [inaudible] why did nancy pelosi say [inaudible] and i thought it would be a real distraction. >> ainsley: and despite a party's attempt to unite behind kamala harris. reports reveal the campaign is fractured. former house speaker mccarthy explains who he think is running the show. >> getting the obamas shifting from running the white house to now running this campaign. this is the most liberal ticket in the history of american politics. >> steve: plus, one tiktoker has changed the life of a 90-year-old air force veteran.

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it's a story is going to warm your heart. >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> ainsley: vice president kamala harris is back in washington this morning after wrapping up a west coast campaign swing over the weekend. >> brian: i love the back shadow. we should have better lighting on the stairs. meanwhile president biden name dropping nancy pelosi suggesting she was the one who pushed him out of the presidential race by members of his own party. >> lawrence: mark meredith i'm sorry is outside the white house. i'm sorry, mark, this coffee that brian gave me this morning has me so jittery. >> brian: i gave you expresso. >> lawrence: welcome to the program. >> irish coffee to take their toll. be careful. >> lawrence: i'm shaking over here. >> ainsley: stead tastes like oil. >> steve: i got him off the latte and got him into a little shock. >> brian: i got lawrence into it. >> steve: nothing like starting

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the day with a shot. >> let me see you if i can give you a shot of news. democrats momentum after kamala harris wrapped up a multi-state battleground blitz. later this week doing a joint appearance with president biden happening in maryland. over the weekend harris attended a fundraiser out west in san francisco reportedly raking in $12 million for her campaign. also learning more about what happened behind the scenes in july when president biden chose to drop out of the race. he told cbs it was top congressional democrats who forced his hand. >> a number of my democrats colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the races. and i was concerned if i stayed in the race that would be the topic. you will would be interviewing me about why did nancy pelosi say why did so -- and i thought it would be a real distraction. >> will we see you out on the campaign trail -- >> -- yes. >> for vice president harris. >> yes, you will.

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i talk to her frequently. >> the vice president brings up biden's name at campaign events but usually it's only a quick mention, just one or two lines before pivoting to attacks on former president trump. the question becomes will that strategy last much longer. politico reports some democrats fear that it could change for harris. they write long time harris loyalists are chafing at the continuing presence of biden aides known for disparaging the president. anxiety inside the campaign could dissipate over the three month politic in november. aids fear they could grow in significance and toledo trouble down the chain of command. we expect harris to unveil nor of her economic policies later this week as to what will that will look like and how. we are still waiting to find out and whether or not we are going to get the big interview that the vice president has been teasing which is still likely a few weeks away. steve, ainsley, brian and lawrence your barista tends back to you. >> steve: quick question for you, mark. there at the white house, do you feel some sort of tension

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between the white house team and the wilmington team and the harris team? because there are three teams. >> there are three teams but united in one goal at this point. it's interesting because here at the white house it's been so much quieter. i mean, there really has been a completely change in tone and shift in focus and the president, he is still out in delaware this morning. is he coming back this afternoon. later in the week i believe he is off to camp david. the indication here again sawvel the resources. all of the spotlight is shifting to the campaign. i was out with the campaign last week. democrats certainly seem to get fired up. it was interesting. there was so little mention of biden at these events. you would almost hard to believe that he would be the incumbent president at this point. >> brian: she can't wait to implement her policies and someone has to remind her she is vice president. >> brian: she has a chance to have policies. thanks, mark. appreciate it. >> ainsley: that has to be hard though. if you are working for joe biden. and you think is he going to be the candidate. >> steve: right.

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>> ainsley: you are an aide working on his staff or campaign and all of a sudden things change and they push up kamala harris what happens to you? >> brian: especially because there is tensions between the staffs. she couldn't keep anybody. 87% of those staffers have resigned from day one. and then the biden people who think i don't even know how to work with her. they don't work with her. now all of a sudden they get elevated. >> ainsley: they used to disparage her. >> brian: the former biden white house official talked to her over the weekend and said i need to know my role. they are real nervous about david plouffe coming in from the owen years. >> lawrence: they should be nervous. is he great at his job and stephanie cutter as well. david plouffe is apparently in control of the math. how do they get to 270. great at his job. stephanie cutter is over all the messaging over the communications strategy. one thing i find troubling though. okay you got david plouffe and stephanie cutter they had a great candidate barack obama. this was a plan five years in

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the making to get him to the presidency. now they have kamala harris who they can't put on the road to actually talk to voters on the day-to-day basis. sure, they can keep her on the prompter. but she is not going to have any of those breakout moments. apparently the tension is because they said that david plouffe so ever the math but he is really running the campaign. >> steve: right. >> jen o'malley dylan wants her role to be solidified as the campaign manager. >> when you think about it the biden team which a lot of it has morphed into the harris team with the re-election in wilmington, and why is it in wilmington now because she is not from wilmington, you know, they're the people who thought that in the run-up to the election, they would put joe biden at union halls with 80 people. suddenly they have got big events where there are in excess of 10,000 people. and it's completely different. and one of the other things, according to this politico article that talks a little bit about the tension between the harris deem and the campaign is the fact that apparently there

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are some people on the -- on one of the teams that has bad-mouthed the current vice president who is running for president. and they don't like that person. they are a big part of the team. >> ainsley: here is the headline of the politico article. kamala harris unites democrats. her campaign still has fractures. biden's aides as you are saying, steve, in the past have known for disparaging comments about kamala harris it. talks about the daunting task to try to integrate two different political worlds it. talks about david plouffe come in. and kevin mccarthy was interviewed. he said because david plouffe worked for obama. helped get him elected. he said obama is really running the show here. listen. >> watching the campaign now. be obama, david plouffe and others are now working on the campaign. you are getting the obamas shifting from running the white house to now running this campaign. this is the most liberal ticket in the history of american

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politics. we do not want to put san francisco minnesota across this country. >> lawrence: nancy pelosi may have taken joe biden out. remember who was speaker of the house during joe biden's presidency. it was nancy pelosi. very extremely close. apparently some of the reporting that we saw during the sunday shows is that they did not -- president obama and nancy pelosi as well as some of the leadership did not anticipate joe biden selecting kamala to be the candidate. they were expecting an open primary process. and after that second statement he named him and put them all two beam at love experience. i know you ousted me. i will pick who is next. i know you don't like her. we saw her on television in cnn when asked if he should be the running mate for joe biden. she said he thinks. so remember? he thinks. so imagine if you are julie chavez rodriguez and running joe biden's campaign which got a big

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elevation now you find out now you are charge of the sun belt states. i thought i was the one getting to 270. now david plouffe comes off the bench, leaves kellyanne's podcast and runs things. i hope they work it out because have a history of not being able to work out anything with her staff. a terrible campaign staff a terrible vice presidential staff. who i am not saying they are bad individually or collectively no leadership and end up tearing each other's eyes out. >> ainsley: i think they are doing whatever it takes to win. we have 30 -- 35 days until early voting? is that right 34 days. >> steve: something like that, tick, tick, tick. >> lawrence: i hope the republicans use the same strategy whatever it takes to win. all the petty going back and forth with all opponents and george. none of that matters. it's about who is going to win. and kamala harris. >> ainsley: what does this tell you? this tells you she needs all the help she can get. donald trump is running his own show.

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they can't trust kamala harris to run her own show. they have to tell her what to do and bring in obama's people. >> steve: to your point one of the things republicans need do they need a solid ground game. the democrats for decades have had a great get out the vote on election day. >> lawrence: started by plouffe. >> steve: even before that going back decades. they were really good machine politics. the republicans right now don't have that. they are kind of farming it out to other people. but, behind the scenes. also part of politico playbook. it's interesting. apparently she is, kamala harris is getting ready to debate donald trump. you know who the debate partner is that they have selected? it is hillary clinton's former aide that felipe reinuos is going to be playing donald trump. one of the things they will be doing is trying to get her to pivot. she has been pivoting on a lot of the stuff. >> ainsley: flip-flopping. >> steve: another flight way to future in politics.

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>> brian: changing her mind totally. >> ainsley: like biden did. remember the executive orders. shutting downtown wall, shutting down the pipeline. he told us he was going to be moderate. >> steve: last week we talked about how she was using the big airplane at big events. allah donald trump. and now she is taking something that is very near and dear to people who live on tips. watch the comparison. seem familiar? >> raise the minimum wage. [cheers] >> and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> when i get to office, we are not going to charge taxes on tips there will be no taxes on tips. >> no taxes on tips. >> it's called no tax on tips. no tax on tips. [cheers] >> i'm also doing no tax on tips. no tax on tips. >> lawrence: so the question is does she even know what the policy is when it comes to no

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tax on tips? where did it come from? >> steve: the teleprompter. >> lawrence: does this it all encompass? also, if you remember, it's not just the tips policy, the democrats, joe biden and kamala harris have already said they want to roll back the trump tax cuts that are set to expire. what's your position on that? are you going to be in support of a tax increase on most of americans that got a tax cut under that bill? i mean, there have been no pushback or curiosity. >> ainsley: lawrence, why now? she has been in office three and a half years. you have some influence. apparently you have this weekly meeting with the president of the united states. why haven't you all proposed that being into law right now. >> ainsley: they didn't think about it until they heard donald trump. >> steve: that's going to be the interesting part. she is doing a 180 on all the border stuff. now she is doing hey, no tax on tips. i wonder how long until she adopts another very popular suggestion that donald trump made a week or two ago. and this is no tax on social

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security? because that is a good way to get older people over 65 living on social security to vote for you. >> brian: at one point the voters have to say now you are insulting me. listen, if you want to -- you are running on donald trump's plans most of the stuff that donald trump is running on in terms of keeping the tax rate in place, in terms of having a strong border, in terms of protecting strength on foreign policy are 60% approval. trtrump aside. these are issues that six out of every 10 americans say i fully support. instead of running on what she has done and what she wanted to do in 2020 after she got the nomination. she is running as donald trump. so, the american people have to say at one point. it's a little insulting. i don't pretend as if we don't have a television, we're not online. we are not on social media and understand where this came from. >> ainsley: the problem is we eat breathe and sleep. this covering this constantly we know he said it first.

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yesterday i was at a restaurant, the restaurant we were talking about how tax on tips. how do you say that? she said both candidates are saying that. she had no clue. >> lawrence: one speech away from saying maga. >> brian: she is going to say build a wall. >> lawrence: that close to doing it. again, the campaign strategy is to isolate her and judging by what's happened so far, there hasn't been any push back. she has gotten the bump as a result from keeping her away from the american people. and if you don't think it won't work. look back in 2020. they did the same thing to joe biden. >> ainsley: look at her voting record. if you want to know how she thinks, what she believes look at her voting record. this truly is the most progressive ticket. >> brian: woe was in 2019, the most liberal senator, the most progressive senator in the senate. >> ainsley: gov track. >> brian: bernie sanders was second.

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>> steve: no plaque there was a gift card. >> brian: to what starbucks? >> steve: something like that. to your point we haven't heard from her in a professional interview segment setting like that. it's because. >> brian: that's beltway stuff, steve. that's just beltway stuff. >> steve: her comms team said they are not going to do it because it's not going to then them with swings voters. siena poll come out over the weekend suddenly she is within the margin of error. slightly ahead three of the states, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin which is a 180 from where joe biden was there are some other studies out there, other polls throughout that show donald trump is ahead. the point is, it's really close. and she has suddenly made it competitive. is she going to put herself out there to be interviewed by people like peter doocy or anybody else? >> brian: like there is anybody else besides peter doocy? come on, steve, let's be honest. >> steve: in our house. hillary vaughn. go for either one of them. >> lawrence: real quickly according to the rcp average

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donald trump is winning in most of the battleground states, except in nevada, in michigan. so, we'll see what happens. >> brian: my watch is telling knee stand up. my watch is telling me to stand. i can't stand up. >> ainsley: signature too long >> brian: between my watch and ring i have no control in my life. i can't stand up. it's unbelievable. >> ainsley: if you are on social media you are seeing although pictures at least if you are following people from south carolina the kids going back to school. we want to start focusing on some school stories and. >> brian: focus is a key word. >> ainsley: focus, dispacketly. we are all worried about screen time for our kids, something my parents never had to worry about other than the television. >> steve: don't want them to get hooked. >> ainsley: study out of the university of denmark. they have guidelines and suggestions for your children. they said for babies up to 18 months just do the video chatting with an adult or grandparent like facetime. >> steve: i like that idea.

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grandparent. >> ainsley: do you do it a lot? >> steve: we do it every day. >> brian: what about baby einstein. >> ainsley: this was a thing years ago. >> brian: is it that long ago? i know einstein died but he had legacy. ainsley: i think we had baby einstein stuff. >> brian: i'm sorry. i didn't mean to slow you down. >> ainsley: 18 to 24 months up to the first two years, educational programming only, they say. >> brian: they will love that electric company and sesame street. >> ainsley: kids ages 2 to 5 one hour per weekday, they say, three hours on weekends. >> brian: this is showing benefits? >> ainsley: i'm surprised, i was always told before a certain age no screen time, no phones, none of that at all. >> steve: at the early age it can help socialize a little kid up to 18 months. >> steve: this is interesting. the problem is the parent says you can't do that and a the parent is on phone all the time the kid is thinking okay i guess i got to grow up to use the phone.

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>> lawrence: i'm not a parent so i can't judge. everywhere guy with in the restaurant or the airport. i always see the little kids with big ipads. look like the parents use the ipads to keep them distracted. >> steve: not an ipad it's a babysitter. >> ainsley: a lot of my friend just say we have an ipad just for traveling. certain times they can do this. because it does help keep them quiet and when you are on an airplane. >> brian: you would think early pioneers must have had genius kids no, tv, no social media. sit there woodworking making butter and doing homework all day. they must have been geniuses back then. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> brian: like the amish must be geniuses. >> ainsley: heart-warming story we want to get to, so sweet. a tiktoker lending hand to 90-year-old air force veteran trying to make extra money to help care for his wife who has dementia by pawning off jewelry at new hampshire pawnshop. >> here's a little gift. i know your birthday is this month, right? we put together a little

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fundraiser. and we came up with some money for you. >> oh my gosh. >> you can open it? >> i could kiss you. god bless you. >> ainsley: tiktoker raise $360,000 for the elderly vet. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> ainsley: joining us later this morning to talk about it. he was trying to pay his rent. he didn't want to put his wife in a home and he was worried about being evicted. he would sell off certain pieces of jewelry. >> steve: pawn stuff. you got figure that a lot of those things had sentimental value and obviously the woman who started the fundraiser realized that and said i can't let this guy, 90 years old give away or pawn all of these treasures. she has stepped up in such a big way. they are both going to join us. i can't wait to talk to them. >> lawrence: all the folks that gave. that's a pretty penny, especially with all these folks that are struggling today.

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>> ainsley: any all those stories if we all did this for someone who needed it. >> steve: pay it forward. >> ainsley: she a wonderful person for doing that changed his life at 90 years old. today marks 22 days since harris rose to the top of the ticket. she still hasn't given formal interview yet. >> lawrence: j.d. vance appearing on three sunday shows. >> brian: about a press conference during the week. trump 2024 national press secretary karoline leavitt joins us next. ♪ ♪ ilt-in engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.

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>> lawrence: so fox news alert. the idf confirms hezbollah launched 30 rockets from lebanon into northern israel earlier this morning. fox news chief foreign correspondent trey yingst is in israel. hey, trey. >> trey: hey, lawrence, good morning. regional sources are dhearnd an attack from iran and its proxies could come in less than 24 hours. despite the back and forth and the questions about the timing, officials here do appear confident we are reaching our zero. overnight israel's defense ministerio lava gallant spoke over the phone with his counterpart u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin for the seventh time in recent days. discussed israel's preparedness

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and readiness rising threats across the middle east. iran training exercises notification to airmen all indications they could move forward this week. overnight iran's largest hezbollah fired 30 cush rockets into israel. we could hear the explosions as some of the fire was intercepted by israel's missile defense system the iron dome that fire may have been response to israeli strike on sunday in the port is i of is i don't that reportedly skilled -- we are jut getting a statement from the germans, the british and the french, urging the iranians to use restraint in the region. there is a critical cease-fire conversation taking place on thursday to try to de-escalate tension an cross region. these countries are worried that iran could attack before then. back to you. >> lawrence: the question is what will they do if iran decides not to. i know you will be following it, trey. thanks so much brooke singman

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joins us live in studio. >> brooke: tenses of thousands of anti-israel protesters are planning to march near the dnc later this month. meanwhile the pro-israel nonprofit the israeli american council says they made multiple requests to march in the same area. they were ignored buyer the city of chicago. the group is still trying to get the city to review and approve their member mitts. the group that works to strength the relationship between united states and israel say they submitted two applications to the city's department of transportation last month and both were ignored. the city also denied a permit request in june. the iac's chief programming officer tells jewish insider, quote: we didn't get any offer to do a march. not in an alternative location. and the group's ceo joined "fox & friends first" this morning. >> listen. >> not only has that permit not been granted to us, but, in the interim, a permit has been

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granted for anti-israel groups. the same groups that do burn the american flag to come and march. look, they have a first amendment right, too. but they are being given the ability to march around the united center where the dnc is we have not been granted that permit. it's an outrage. >> the the city of chicago telling fox news digital, quote the political affiliation of a group is not a factor which when reviewing permit applications per municipal code permit parade applications are reviewed by multiple city departments to identify any conflict, safety issues and assess the resources necessary to support the gathering. this as anti-israel demonstrations continue across the country. lawrence? >> lawrence: they are going to have to explain why they granted the pro-hamas side. >> brooke: exactly. >> lawrence: permit not the israeli jewish folks there we will be on the ground there. over to you, brian. >> brian: today marks 22 days

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vice president harris avoiding a sitdown interview since becoming the presumptive nominee? meanwhile j.d. vance doing the opposite. making the rounds yesterday. three national shows to call her out. >> i respect the american people enough to sit down for an interview. >> i appreciate that. >> kamala harris has been the nominee for three weeks. she hasn't sit down for a real interview. have you got me for 15 minutes or however long you have me we should talk about public policies that matter. we have talked so little about that. we talked about a sarcastic remark i made three years ago. >> brian: it's true. 2024 national press secretary karoline leavitt joins us now. caroline, what can you do about it? in fact, james carville comes out and says where is it written that vu to do a sitdown interview with the press? if that's the mindset is there anything that you can really do as the opponent. >> we can continue to put pressure on kamala harris and tim walz to answer for their dangerously liberal records. that's what president trump has done over the past week. president trump with his more than hour-long press conference

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taking questions from the press. call out kamala harris for being absent actually forced kamala harris in that same night to do a quick gaggle with a few reporters. president trump committing to three debates on this network on abc, nbc, forced kamala harris to finally say okay. she'll be there at the abc debate in and maybe she will commit to another one. she hope that she does. yesterday, you saw senator vance sit down with three cable mainstream media interviews on a sunday. kamala harris hasn't done that in more than 23 months as vice president, it's beyond time that she does and answers for why she is flip-flopping on every single policy position she has ever held. brian joe biden who was supposed to be her opponent was losing badly. now it seems a lot closer reflected on how he wants to be remembered. let's look back together. >> how do you want history to remember president biden? >> that he proved democracy can work got us out of a pandemic.

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it produced the single greatest economic recovery in american history. we are in the most powerful economy in the world. >> brian: if you look at the numbers care lyon it's not the case real average hourly wages as you see on the screen there it's minus $1.93 compared to trump up 6.84%. increases in cpi, you look at that, 19.25% to -- for biden harris 7.76 for trump. credit card debt 1.14 trillion to 820 billion for donald trump. so, he can real it one way. but the american people might remember it differently. how do you think this plays into 2024? >> >> well, that's exactly right, brian. by every single metric, the economy was better under president trump than it is today under joe biden and kamala harris. and she is 100 percent responsible for the economic mess that they have both brought us into as well. so our question to the american public in this election is who

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do you trust more to fix our economy? kamala harris, a long-time self-serving career politician from liberal san francisco who voted to bring us the inflation that we have and have supported bidenomics and has never had a real job in her life or donald trump, who was a lifelong businessman, created jobs, created wealth, and then built the greatest economy in american history. their records are incomparable. and there is no denying that the american people have more money in their pockets under president trump and that's why they will reelect him again. >> brian: caroline now, vice president harris says she is going to tackle inflation on day one. that's interesting. because she could be tackling it now. number two is she is going to be strong on the border. she prosecuted border crossers and she also is going to eliminate the taxes on tips. your thoughts? does that sound familiar? >> kamala harris is proving to be a fraud that will say anything to get elected. she has consistently, throughout her entire career, been one of the most liberal politicians in

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this country. and now all of a sudden she is plagiarizing president trump's policies because she knows they are popular. she is just saying this to get elected. she is actually not going to implement less taxes and cutting taxes on tips. in fact, she and joe biden supported an expansion of the irs. they supported the enrollment of a program to go after taxed tips -- tipped wages in this country to take away hard earned money from the american people. she has been the border czar. she has been a failure at that allowing more than 15 million illegal people to enter our country infantry from all over this world. look at her record. it does not lie. she is lying now to get elected. but the facts and the records do not. >> brian: i know the president -- former president is going to be speaking with elon musk tonight. is he going to be on twitter. i know -- what else does he have planned this week? >> yeah. great livestream tonight 8:00 with president trump and elon musk. everyone should tune. in you are not going to want to miss it. the president will be in north carolina on wednesday, giving

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remarks on the economy. he will be in pennsylvania later this week as well. he will, as always, continue to speak directly to the american people and not shy away from the hostile fake news like kamala harris is it's been 21 days. she best sit down for an interview this week. we will continue to hold her accountable. >> brian: the president is trailing in the battleground states according to the "new york times" siena poll. does your internal poll say the same thing? >> no. and according to the real clear politics average president trump is still leading in many of the battleground states. if you look at many of the polls, he continue to lead in this race. it's tight. we're going to continue to work hard and bring his winning message to every corner of this country. we have 85 days to expose kamala harris for the dangerous liberal that she is. and to ensure that all americans do understand her record and know that she is wholly responsible for the crisis. the border crisis and the war warned this world. once we do that we will be more victorious. >> brian: clearly you have pivoted to the new opponent.

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speaking of the new opponent. we invited the harris walz campaign do join us in any way shape or form. they have not called us back. i will check my voice mail in the break. calling to flip the bill for migrant healthcare. dr. marc siegel on that, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪

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4:39 am

4:40 am

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because trough and cold fronts moving across the u.s. is going to keep this offshore but bermuda still needs to watch ernesto, possible hurricane as we go through the next couple of days impacting, you know, bermuda or the area vicinity on the weekend. here is the forecast today, could see scattered storms over the southwest, parts of the northwest and the ohio, tennessee and mississippi river valley. heavy rain in the forecast for areas stretching from kansas city to north of louisville and then chicago. so we will keep you up to date. fox for all of your latest details. steve, you woke up this morning. you headed outside. oh, no humidity. >> steve: it's gorgeous. >> janice: spectacular. >> steve: janice, today it is spantastic. >> janice: i just made that up myself. >> steve: indeed. thank you, j.d. >> janice: you got it. >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk about our southern border. texas governor greg abbott is ordering hops to report the cost of caring for illegal abcs and

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demanding the white house pay the bill. texas should not have to support the care of illegal migrants. texas will hold the biden harris accountable for the open border policies. joining us with reaction this "medical monday" is fox news senior medical analyst dr. marc siegel. doctor, you have been down in texas and talked to the hospital. it's costing a fortune. it's coming out of their pocket. not uncle sam's. >> exactly. steve. this isn't california where med-cal will cover. this texas is 5 million uninsured: 1.4 million out of that 5 are people who aren't there legally. the majority migrants. and patrick mahomes is scratching its head. 50,000 illegal migrants in el paso. and they are clogging the hospitals. they are clogging 89 healthcare system. we in medicine have a rule. you can't turn anyone away. you shouldn't turn anyone away.

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so the hospitals go broke covering the karen of illegal immigrants that are coming into this country. so i think abbott is right. you may see this as a beginning, steve, of a debate that goes on nationally between harris and trump. because there is a different approach to how we cover healthcare here. in new york, also by the way, illegal immigrants can get conch. and that really undermines the healthcare system in terms of conch for people here illegally. >> steve: indeed. since the olympics wrapped up yesterday, there was something that happened last week and we were scratching our heads because they did the marathon and they decided that they would swim in the river siene, which they wound up spending a billion dollars to clean up. three german athletes, at least got sick afterwards. and the olympic committee said. this we heard reports of the athletes' illnesses and hoping for a speedy recovery. water quality was considered or good or excellent four testing

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points and established by world aquatics. if it were the e.coli in the water and high levels of bacteria, doctor, i get they wanted them to swim in the river because it runs right through paris but then again, maybe they should have punted because maybe it wasn't safe well, steve, these athletes have been training for three or four years for this event and tragic if they get sick while swimming. as you said actually $1.5 billion paris has spent on this. and get, this steve, hidalgo mayor of paris swam there in july to show it was safe all of these getting sick vomiting for hours and diarrhea. romantic river where people walk arm in arm saying they are in love has never been clean. it's not clean for the last 100 years and not clean now in my opinion with all of this going on it. doesn't take a physician like me figure out they are getting sick from the river.

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that's just really sad. paris did make a big attempt to clean this up, obviously not successfully. >> steve: look at the river. don't jump in it and drink the water. that's the moral of the story. >> swimmers by the way have to get water. in you can't swim without getting water in your mouth. >> steve: it just happens. you would know you are a doctor and it's "medical monday," mark, thank you very much. >> great steve. good to see you. >> steve: all right. speaking of the olympics, there was a controversy. u.s.a. gymnastics is now appealing the international olympic committee's decision to strip u.s. gymnast jordan chiles of the bronze medal she thought she won in the women's floor competition. team u.s.a. says they have video evidence showing the chiles coach submitted an inquiry to change her score before the one minute deadline to submit any inquiries had passed. the arbitration citing with chiles romanian opponents claim the inquiry came four seconds

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too late. the score change moved chiles from third to fifth and took the bronze medal out of her hand. >> brian: pushback is. this first, she came in fifth. they go and they say wait a second. if you look at the difficulty, she really gets a higher score. they go it's 13.7. you get the bronze, got it. so then they come back romania and say they got in after the minute mark so you lose it. they go give it back. but then they go the u.s. looked at the video and said wait, they got the inquiry n 47 seconds not over a minute so we want it back. >> ainsley: she posted four broken hearts on her social media. she is getting a lot of support from her other gymnastic friends including simone biles. she does walk away with the gold. she got the team gold. >> steve: she wants this one, too. unfortunately it looks like the appeal can last for weeks or even months. we will have long forgotten about the olympics. >> lawrence: as a competitor if

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you think on the romanian side and she did better you should want to technicality or not. you should. >> brian: you mean if you are romanian. >> lawrence: if the score is higher as a competitor. >> ainsley: person who did better should get the gold. >> brian: remember when the brazilian won they bowed to her biles. that was the great scene where the u.s. you worked so hard. injuries, we bow to you. and now that's. >> steve: they got the video let's see what the irc does. >> ainsley: it is 7:47 on the east coast. it is back-to-school week on "fox & friends." we are kicking off the week with fresh kicks and fresh cuts for children. thanks to an alabama pastor. >> brian: that's a lot of kicking. ♪ td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td,

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4:53 am

>> ainsley: inspiring back-to-school initiative out of a church in alabama called kicks and cuts is helping more than 100 children start the school year strong with fresh haircuts and new shoes and n backpacks. the pastor of the school is john doughty and is he here with the latest. good morning, john. >> good morning, ainsley. thanks for having us. >> ainsley: love this. you have a heart for the people

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in your community and this is what the church is there for. >> absolutely. >> ainsley: tell us why you did it? >> only it. roots back to the feeling i had when i gold back to school with confidence with a new hair cut, fresh shoes, and so i just felt like everyone deserved the opportunity to have the same feeling. our church exists to participate in moments of grace and to be a generous church. i believe that the local church is the hope of the world. when we're mobilized and we are connected in our local community. and so this is our second year doing. this and this year was a lot bigger than the first year. we just plan on continuing to do what god has placed on our heart to make a difference where our feet are. >> ainsley: what was your goal and how many backpacks and how many shoes? >> the goal was 1,000 shoes. we ended up giving out 1432 pairs of shoes. >> ainsley: nice. >> we did 556 haircuts and 1500 bags to go back to school. over 250 volunteers part of the initiative and we couldn't have done it without our local community and local sponsors. >> ainsley: that is so awesome. something so simple, a pair of shoes or hair cut can make a big

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difference in someone's life. >> absolutely. >> ainsley: you are making indelible difference on kids' lives. they will remember this forever. what was some of the reaction you heard from the kids and parents. >> mobile, the biggest reactions were at the quad of shoes we were giving out. shoes i would want to wear, too. just seeing the overwhelming joy almost see a boost of confidence with the new hair cut. times are kind of hard right now. alleviating some of that pressure and burden of financial responsibility and just being able to come alongside and help parents out. >> ainsley: i used to spend a lot of time in dothan. it was close to my first college fsu. one of my first friends was from dothan we would go there for a warm meal. if you see the hidden family. next time i visit i have to come to your church. >> absolutely. >> ainsley: god bless you. >> thank you so much for having us. >> ainsley: what's your website if people want to donate. >> yeah church of the we are always doing initiatives locally. we believe, again, the hope of

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the world is the church mobilized. we want to make a difference along with so many other great churches in our community. >> ainsley: that's wonderful. thank you so much. >> thanks. >> ainsley: all right. we have more "fox & friends" straight ahead. ♪ an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv

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5:00 am

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