Highest Paying Jobs At Ulta Beauty: Top Ulta Beauty Salaries [2023] - Zippia (2025)

Research Summary. Using public government and company data along with information from thousands of job postings, our Zippia data experts have identified a variety of high-earning positions and their average annual salaries. Using that data set, our data scientsts have produced salary estimates for many of the jobs at Ulta Beauty.

Here is a quick overview of our findings for the highest-paying jobs at Ulta Beauty:

  • Associate Manager is the highest-paying job at Ulta Beauty with an average salary of $70,652 and an average hourly rate of $33.97.

  • The second highest-paying job at Ulta Beauty is designer, with an average salary of $68,664.

  • The average annual salary at Ulta Beauty is $32,643 per year, and the average hourly pay is $15.69.

Table Of Contents: Background | Table | Methodology | FAQs


Sometimes people know which company they want to work for before they know exactly what job they want to do. If you’d like to work for Ulta Beauty, it helps to have an idea of the highest-paid positions that the company offers. That way, you can see if it’s worth applying.

So, how much do Ulta Beauty employees make? As with any company, Ulta Beauty employees’ salaries can fluctuate depending on their role, level of experience, and geographic location, but there are a few standout jobs that tend to pay more than the rest, on average. Here are some of the top salaries at Ulta Beauty:

  1. Associate Manager$70,652

  2. Designer$68,664

  3. Co-Manager$50,004

  4. Sales Consultant$43,174

  5. Service Coordinator$37,925

Below is a full table of the jobs at Ulta Beauty that pay the most followed by a more detailed explanation of our methodology.

Highest Paying Jobs At Ulta Beauty

RankJob TitleAverage Salary
1Associate Manager$70,652
4Sales Consultant$43,174
5Service Coordinator$37,925
6Salon Manager$37,251
9Material Handler$30,508
10Customer Service Representative$30,065
11Beauty Advisor$30,044
12Beauty Consultant$29,846
13Hair Stylist$29,339
15Picker And Packer$28,779
16Key Holder$28,139
17Hair Dresser$27,683
18Makeup Artist$27,666
19Lead Cashier$27,642
20Head Cashier$26,890


Zippia uses publicly published information from government sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Foreign Labor Certification Data Center (FLC), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to create its salary estimates.

Our data science team also checks job postings and company-published resources for additional up-to-date salary information.

Once they’ve gathered the data, the team calculates a weighted average for each job title they’re estimating a salary for. For more details on our salary estimates, you can see a detailed methodology.

Highest Paying Jobs At Ulta Beauty FAQs

  1. What is the highest-paid job at Ulta Beauty?

    The highest-paid job at Ulta Beauty is an associate manager. These professionals earn an average salary of $70,652, which works out to about $ 33.97 per hour.

    The top 10 highest-paid jobs at Ulta Beauty are:

    1. Associate Manager$70,652

    2. Designer$68,664

    3. Co-Manager$50,004

    4. Sales Consultant$43,174

    5. Service Coordinator$37,925

    6. Salon Manager$37,251

    7. Expert$36,599

    8. Esthetician$35,005

    9. Material Handler$30,508

    10. Customer Service Representative$30,065

  2. What is a good salary at Ulta Beauty?

    A good salary at Ulta Beauty is a salary above $32,643 per year. $32,643 is the average salary at Ulta Beauty, so if you’re earning more than that, you’re typically doing well.

    Of course, $32,643 may still be far too low for some positions, so pay close attention to what the going average is for someone in your role with your skill set and experience level. If you find that you’re being paid less, consider asking for a raise or finding out what you need to do to move into the next pay bracket.

  3. Do jobs at Ulta Beauty pay well?

    No, jobs at Ulta Beauty don’t pay well. The average starting salary at Ulta Beauty is $18,000 a year or $8.65 per hour. The overall average salary at Ulta Beauty is $32,643 per year ($15.69 per hour), which is 0.7 times the average national salary of about $44,225 per year.

    Mary Kay, one of Ulta Beauty’s top competitors, pays its employees an average salary of $44,499 per year or $21.39 per hour. This is about $11,856 more than Ulta Beauty’s average salary, and $5.70 more per hour than Ulta Beauty’s average hourly pay.

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Ulta Beauty Resources

  • Table Of Contents

    • Highest Paying Jobs
    • Overview
    • Jobs
    • Salary
    • Revenue
    • History
    • Demographics
    • Competitors
    • FAQs
    • Remote Jobs

Highest Paying Jobs At Ulta Beauty: Top Ulta Beauty Salaries [2023] - Zippia (1)


Chris KolmarHighest Paying Jobs At Ulta Beauty: Top Ulta Beauty Salaries [2023] - Zippia (2)

Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job.His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news.More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Highest Paying Jobs At Ulta Beauty: Top Ulta Beauty Salaries [2023] - Zippia (2025)


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