The Wheaton Journal from Wheaton, Missouri (2024)

Vi HIP son whter. Friday in is cola corn his cors of of 1. tor and and under Zandt with rose near Exeter about C. alet mother, nephews Church, Maplewood survived left fur in the was and at lived the uf Godwin, a sister later and a George an March with he service. death in Seats by several awny alone a cripple burial 12 rvices direction and W.

Exeter, tris lite arter nieces. by spell ago, H. at five by Were of family of made and and at at in to G. THURSDAY, MAR. '89, 1940.

WHEATON JOURNAL in of the tve 10p, well profit often in of bird times the laying if is from from is buy," hen one year. When housing and, equipment cost added. plus cost, it is easy to see placement that chickens laying only 80 eggs year will cost you money, But better bred, high producing chickens bring a profit. Where your initial investment is but little more buying chicks with wood breed. ing, the difference compensated many the well bred, chicks lay 100 exes per year, Average production per hen per yvar has a most important part in your flock.

Good breeding first essential in obtaming high averase product- Type Advantages Too poultry raisers ask, -What breed shall I instead inquiring the "What is breeding background of these chicks?" A bred bird breeds recom mended for will probably outlay a the heavier neat breeds, you are searching for heavy layers, but a well bred bird of the meat breeds will certainly outlay the bird from laying breeds that has 110 breeditig background. Many farmers prefer the heavier general purpose breeds that afford i profit from both meat and eggs. In either instance, whether your best market be eggs or meat there! is no substitute for a of sound breeding. POWELL Mr and Mrs. Lester Ralston and family and Robert Ralston of Carthage visited Sunday in the Paul Fullerton home.

Mr. and Mrs. Doris Boles and son. Jimmy, of Springfield and Will Camp and grandson of Fairview visited Saturday with the for mer's brother, Nolen Boles and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Price Naramore and son, Max, who have been living POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS REPUBLICAN Probate Judge and "COUNTY O. SANDERS Cassville, Mo. CIRCUIT CLERKVANCE OWINGS Cassville, Mo. REPRESENTATIVEMERRILL WOODS Monett, Mo.


F. (Buck) WEAVER PRESIDING JUDGE OF THE COUNTY COURTFLOYD M. INMAN JUDGE COUNTY COURT WESTERN DISTRICTAUD LAMBERSON Wheaton, Mo. in California the past several months. have returned to Missouri and are visiting at present with relatives here and at Goodman.

Albert E. Brusley returned Sunday from a business trip to Dallas, Tex, Dr. Edmondson of Stella was called Sunday night to see Jackie Nodine, who was quite ill with pneumonia. Another son, James, has also been ill with pneumonia. Mr.

and Mrs. Arlie Hail and son, Gary, of Lanagan and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Cooper were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrw, Bud Molder, Mr.

and Mrs. Teddy Brust and daughter spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Brust and family. Mrs.

Sade Knisley and son. Carl, and Pat Thornton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rhea at Seneca. Mrs.

Knisley remained a week's visit in the Rhea home. The pie supper at the school house Friday night was well tended. Proceeds amounted to $48.00 and was for the benefit of the Red Cross. for FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Linebarger are announcing the arrival of a baby daughter. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bailey of Neosho are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Elra Dean to Robert Putnam, son of Mrs.

Het tie Putnam. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wade Darby at the Baptist church in the presence of relatives. A reception was Held at the Mrs. Lottie West home FARMS 50 FARMS RANCHES FOR SALE IN McDONALD ADJOINING COUNTIES 40 acres- 4-room stone house, stone garage, good chicken house, fair barn.

cistern and spring, 100 fine peach trees. Price $2200. 40 acres-4-room house, 2 rooms unfinished, good cellar, spring, small barn and chicken houses. Price $900. 160 acres-4 room house, cellar, fair barn, fine spring, 75 a.

in cultivation, 18 a. good meadow. $2500. 80 acres-6-room huse, 2 good chicken garage, barn, spring, 40 a. fenced wih hog wife, electricity.

80 acres-6-room house, 2 good chicken houses, garage. barn, spring, 40 a. fenced with hog wire, well, all fenced. Price $1200. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY.

PRICES REASONABLE E. C. PLUMLEE, Rocky Comfort, Mo. 1-2 miles east of Longview Store and 1-4 mile south of Simcoe. OR RALPH TAYLOR, 72, Carthage, Mo.

LUMBER! LUMBER! Lumber for sale on the old Northcutt ranch, 3 1-2 miles south of Rocky Comfort. Also do custom sawing. A. L. HANKS LUMBER COMPANY Driving over rough country roads through Mud and Snow.

..,1 must: an Extra Tough: Dependable Tire. The GATES TIRE has always given me the best service. Today drivers who give tires the hardest wear prefer Gates Tires. The reason is simply this: They have found through actual experience that under the toughest driving conditions Gates Tires give longer mileage. Before you buy any tire let us show you the actual performance records of the Gates Tire.

Smith's Service Station following the ceremony, The, couple left for a short honeymoon. They will make their home on the Putnam farm. We extend our sincere wishes' to the happy couple. Doris Boles and family of Spring field and Mella Coffee of Fayetteville were week-ead guests in the Coffee home. Jackie Russell of Commerce also visited in the Coffee home, Dwight Springer, son of Mr.

Mrs. John Springer of here and Zellavie Brock of Aroma were united in marriage last week. At present they are making their home in the Springer home, Wel extend our best wisher to the happy couple. Mrs L. L.

Berry is in St. Louis at present with her sister, Mrs. Leta French, who is ill. Onel Stroud and L. L.

Berry are in Michigan on business. PIONEER The PTA met for the second time this year on Thursday, March 21. Those from here enjoying the evening in the Mra. Nannie Francis home in Wheaton were Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Bankson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchens and Beverly, and Mr. and Mrs.

Leland Stark and Carol David Marylyn Coatney is out of school entertaining a case of measles. All are glad to know she is doing O. K. John Latshaw enjoyed the week end at the home of his father, 0. V.

Latshaw. John is in the Navy and it's the first time be has been home in many months, W. S. Stewart and Geo. Hutchete and family spent Sunday in Wheat on with Mrs.

Nannie Francis, Rev. W. E. Brown was present both morning and evening for his regular appointment at Mt. Olive Sunday and preached two good sermons.

Sr. and Mrs. Leon Hutchens and son went to Lebanon, Sun day to visit her father, Lawrence Chastain. Mr. and Mra.

Tom Hanion and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bankson made a pleasure trip to Sarcoxie Sunday afternoon to visit friends of the Bankson's. Workmen are removing the junk iron from the burned ruins of the Pioneer moll. It really seems like spring with everybody making gardens, early fruit trees in blossom, baby chicks here and there and fishermen winning to try their luck along the good to be alive.

Mrs. Robbie Brattin spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Lon Nicely. Brattin, who underwent major operation at the Caniwell Hospl. sal Friday, FOR SALE Good clean, tested lespedeza seed.

-Allman Pro- slice Feed. Relatives visiting May and Otha Gregory Sunday afternoon were Mrs. Janie Lowe and daughter, Quida, and Mrs. Carrie Wyatt Rocky Comfort, Ferman Lowe of Joplin and Mr. and Mrs.

Hob Lowe of Stella. Have your old shoes repaired. It pays. See Jerry, ANTI-RABIES VACCINE of anti- rabies Ordering a supply vaccine and those who want serum for their dogs are asked to please leave their order by not later than SATURDAY. MARCH to, One "shot will immunize an unexposed dog for one year.

WHEATON DRUG E. L. Thomas WaN In Kansas City the first of the week on bust- HONE, Mr. and Mrs. A.

T. Thrasher Thomas Hollow were Wheaton visit ere today. Mr. Thrasher purchase some hybrid seed and reporte1 that he intended to plant Friday. Need shoes repaired? See Jerry in the bullding formerly occupied by the John Moeller Jewelry Shop.

A group of young people of the local Methodist church are going to Springfield Friday evening for a young people's party at the Rev. Carlton Knight home. They will spend the night in the Rev. Knight home. Ernest A.

Phillips and family of Blue Jacket, were Wheaton visitors Friday and while here subscribed for The Journal. Mr. Phillips and family formerly resided in Ridgely and also in Fairview. Mr. Phillips is now preaching and also working in the mines at Blue Jacket.

THANKS THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent the many nice cards and letters while I was a patient in the Freeman Hospital at Joplin. Mrs. C. C. Hill.

OBITUARIES (ROBERT L. DOYEL) Robert L. Doyel was born Nov. 9, 1866, and departed this life Mar. 21.

1946 at the age of 79 years, 4 The New Hoover We now have a NEW 1946 MODEL HOOVER SWEEPER (with all cleaner attachments) on DISPLAY. Come in and look this new sweeper over and place your order now. After you see it, you will want nothing but a HOOVER. Wheaton Maytag Co. HERE TO SERVE YOU.

Everett Hussey Roy Robinson YOUR MAYTAG DEALER Wheaton Motor Company General Auto Repair Welding and Machine Work Parts and Accessories We Are Now Equipped to Furnish You With TYDOL GASOLINE AND MOTOR OILS TRY OUR FRIENDLY SERVICE. ROY HAIRE, Proprietor In the Chevrolet north side Main, Wheaton SEE US FOR Beds, springs, mattresses, chairs, tables, cabinets, studio couches, rocking chairs, sewing machines, stoves, dressers and other furniture. SPECIAL-One dining table and 6 chairs, $25.00. If You Have Furniture To Sell-See Us. WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE.

SWINDELL 2nd. Hand Store Mr. and Mrs. L. R.

Swindell Forn months and days. He WAs Mommoth Ny. came Missouri the are of 14. After sickness he the age of two married, he alSeals, As lle the mercantile busk He was converted early age and united Independence Baptist retiring uniting with the Exe Baptist Church. He was pre- his father and brothers, He one brother, Parker Dosel, several held the at Funeral afBanti-t Church Sunday ternoon, 24 Chas, Van.

Exeter the Culver Palibearers were Hadley. A. D. Taylor, Cox, Lisle Jeffries (MRS, NANNIE ELLIS) If. A.

Bowman. Nannie Bowen, daughter of Noah Luctetia Bowen, was born in Warren County. Jan. 31, 1861, and passed at here home in Exeter March 21, 1946, at the age of 85 years 2 months and 18 days. She was united in marriage to Wil- liam N.

Ellis Sept. 12, 1880. To this union one daughter, Mrs. John P. Reed, of Monett was born.

Also they reared one foster daughter, WE REPAIR Radios Washers Sweepers- and All small electric appliances. WE STOCK Wiring supplies and fixtures and fluorescent lighting. TRI-COUNTY RADIO ELECTRIC COAL! COAL! If the threatened soft coal strike is called for April 1, as planned, it will probably be weeks and pos sibly months, before it is settled. When it is settled, no doubt coal will be high el' than it is now. I am still delivering coal to Wheaton and vicinity at the same old price, $7.50 per ton for shallow mine lump or' $8.00 for deep mine lump.

If you want coal at once at this price, leave your order at The Journal Office. Thad Green, Joplin, Mo. MONUMENTS Have just received a shipment of 85 monuments and markers, (no slants). Place your now so you will be sure and get your monument up for Decoration Day. HENBEST MONUMENT WORKS Cassville, Mo.

COZY THEATER WHEATON. MO. Doors Open at 7 p. ml. Show Starts at 7:30 p.

m. Friday and Saturday, March 29 30 "MEN IN HER DIARY" With Jon Hall, Louise Allbritton and Peggy Ryan. Serial: "Raiders of Ghost City" Sunday and Monday, March 31 April 1 "GENTLE ANNIE" With Marjorie Main as "Gentle James Craig, Donna Reed and Henry Morgan. News of Day Cartoon Admission 10-25c (Tax Included) Mrs. Ivan Reed of Exeter, LOCAL NEWS Mra, F.

O. Hayes in visiting lives in Tulsa this week Wilber Bay was a Springfield visitor Wednesday, Lon Brattin of Monett, who has been on the sick list for some time, AN A Wheaton visitor Saturday, Mrs. John Ward spent Sunday and Monday in Ft. Leavenworth, Wayne Davis of St. Louis visiting in the Stratton Allman home at present.

Everett Hussey WAN in Kansas City the first of the week on bust Arlyen Jagelski of Wichita spent the week-end in the Walter Jocelaki home. B. M. Lamberson sporting Plymouth four -door sedan, which he purchased from the Alli- Motor Company of Cassville, Mr. and Mrs.

Mon Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnett left for a few days visit with relatives Kansas City. Claud Sappington and son. Jimmy, Mrs.

Ellis Frazier and Mrs. S. M. Woodard of Powell were Wheaton visitor. Wednesday, Mrs.

C. W. Emmons of Indianola, Towa is visiting at present with her daughter, Mrs. Obed Norem. and Mr.

and Mrs. Vestle Lee and dau Judy, and Fred Berziel of Leavenworth, spent from Friday night until Sunday aftersoon with relatives here. Chas. and and family mov. ed Wednesday from a farm west of town to the property they recently purchased from Barney Bates.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson were Carthage visitors Sunday after- Mrs. F. 0.

Flora and Roy Kitlion were Springfield visitors Wednesday. B. M. Lamberson and family moved the first of the week from their former residence which they -old to Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Wiseman, to the Harve Wormington property on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Slaughter of Wichita visited Mrs. Slaughter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jagelski, Sunday. Mrs.

Roy Killion has been staying with her mother, Mrs. Jewett' She professed faith in Christ in 18040 and united with the Exeter was Baptist Church I as a charter memo her. She was a true christian weman, loyal and devoted to her hurch. She was held in high esteem by her neighbors and friends. She is survived by her daushter and foster daughter, four grandchildren, one great grandchild and Kansas.

he family. noon. many friends. Funeral services were held at the Exeter Baptist Church Sunday af. ternoon, March 23, by the Pastor Chas, VanZandt, assisted by Rev, C.

F. Siler of Cassville. Burial was made in the Maplewood Cemetery under the direction of the Koon Funeral Home. Pallberurers were L. Journey, Chas.

Anderson, Bille Albin. Lennie Thompson, W. H. Hadley and T. C.

Goodwin. the CHICK CHATS By Floriene Schrader Cheap Chicks May Cost More In Long Run The poultry raiser who always enjoys a substantial regular Income from his flock knows it takes good breeding plus good manage. ment to realize his success. Four fundamentals to be observed are: good breeding for egg production, good housing, proper feeding and disease prevention. In buying baby chicks, get the best within reasonable price limits.

Price is not the only consideration. Long Range Profits Reliable figures have shown that it takes about the average value of 80 eggs to properly feed a laying WANT ADS Want Ad Rates 1c per word per issue, minimum charge 20c. FOR SALE OR TRADE -Console Victrola with 40 good records in albums. Call at the Oval Paul tarm, 1-2 mi. east of Wheaton.

FOR SALE-25 head of weaned M. Crider, 1 1-2 miles east of Wheaton. A4p Southwest Missouri farms for sale, 2-a. tracts up to -W. J.

Narrel, Wheaton, Mo. A19p FOR GOOD COW PASTURE with plenty of tame grass and water, see Grover Barnett. 12p FOR SALE-One 2-piece mohair living room S. Culp. Rocky Comfort, Mo.

28p FOR SALE One-half Jersey and Guernsey male, 10 months old, price Buxton, County Line Farm. 4p FOR SALE-1 stock saddle in A-1 shape, also baled hay $15 and $18 per ton. -Dave Clymer or inquire at Journal Office. 28p FOR SALE- -Lespedeza seed, $8.00 per hundred. Also some oak -W.

C. Chenoweth. FOR SALE--Baled lespedeza A. Goostree, 2 1-2 miles west of Wheaton. FOR SALE--Grocery and 5- room modern house on lot 50x200, 2-car garage, located in Carthage.

Also other city property and farms. Will list what you E. Clymer, associated with J. H. H.

Mote Agency, Carthage, Mo. Office phone 2002. 28p FOR SALE- Jewett Hybrid seed corn, the quality M. Larcher, Fairview, Mo. 28p FOR SALE--Good elean, tested lespedeza seed, -Allman Produce Feed.

WANTED -Someone to rent my -Miss Jane Chitwood. FOR SALE-80-acre farm, good 5-room house, practically new barn, hen house, good drilted well, electricity, on milk, mail and school bus -Noble Utter, 4 1-2 miles southeast of Wheaton. FOR SALE -No. 40 Oliver walking plow in good J. Mutrux, 3 1-2 miles northeast of Wheaton.

28p COAL- -Just received a carload of deep mined Kansas washed nut coal, $7.50 per Lumber Co. FOR SALE-16 1-2 acre creek bottom farm, 7-room house, water in house, electricity, garage, new barn and chicken house, on highway, 3 miles east of Wheaton on mail, milk and school bus route.A bargain if sold at Wheaton, Mo. FOR SALE -Good baled soy. bean hay, put up without rain on it clover and redtop hay.Si Hammons. J10tn Thursday and Friday, April 11th and 12th BUTTERFIELD SPRING FESTIVAL 8:00 p.m.

Grade Program Thursday night; 3-act play Fri. night COMPLETING LOCKER PLANT We are glad to announce that engineers for the Philips Locker Plant Company are here at present completing the installation of our Frozen Food Locker Plant. If nothing happens it should be in operation by the latter part. of. next.

week. However, no one is to bring in anything for processing or storage until notified. The date the plant is open for food storage will be announced next week. Tri County Radio Elect. "The Home of Dependable Merchandise" WHEATON, MO.

METAL GATES We now have METAL FARM GATES, 5 ft. high and 12 ft. in length. Also barb wire, poultry wire and lawn fence. Just received one Wesco 4-cap white enamel table top wood range.

Come and see it. SIGN UP FOR LAWN MOWERS If you are in need of a lawn mower this season, come in and sign up for yours now. We hope to have a shipment in within the next few days. WHEATON HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 31 Wheaton, Mo. NEW ARRIVALS AT DRY GOODS Rowland's SHOES Wheaton CHENOWETH BUILDING Large Shipment of PETERS WORK MARY LANE SHOES Suits and Coats for Boys' sizes from Spring in colors.

10 to 6 bright Men's sizes from Men's Washington Dee- 51-2 to 13 Cee Blue Matched suits SATURDAY Pants $2.48 We will have a few Shirts $1.82 sheer RAYON HOSE for sale. Blouses and Slacks Are COME EARLY In SEASON NOW Buy early while our NOTIONS stock is full and while We now carry a full you have a wider select- line of Woodbury and ion of styles. Jergen's Cosmetics. The above items came in after our Sales Day ad was on the press, as is true with hundreds of other items..

The Wheaton Journal from Wheaton, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.